Azor and Faustina Dodge (PEO.19)
Photos and text about Azor and Faustina Dodge
Azor and Faustina Dodge
Digital images donated by Ed Chapin and Debrae Bishop

This is a photo of he original Dodge home. When Faustina was quite elderly the house burned to the ground.

The following is written on the back of Faustina’s photo, which is on an undated post-card: “Faustina Dodge stands in front of her house, Greystone Cottage, which is across the road from the chapel. This cottage was burned many years ago at which time the whole village turned out and rebuilt and refurnished the cottage in just a few days. Azor, Faustina’s husband, worked at the W. G. Sargent store. Faustina was a childhood schoolmate of my mother Lydia Sargent.”