Religion (REL)
Sargentville Chapel History by Leroy Chatto and Catharine Marston (REL.1)
Chapel photos and a booklet by Leroy Chatto and Catharine Marston describing the history of the Sargentville Chapel
Number 3 Chapel and School (REL.2)
History of the Number 3 church and Number 3 school from 1800s to present day.
The First Baptist Church of Sedgwick 1837 (REL.3)
Photos of the First Baptist Church of Sedgwick including the Morgan-Means stained glass window.
First Baptist Church of Sedgwick 100th Anniversary Program June 11-18, 1905 (REL.4)
Program for events celebrating the 100th anniversary of the First Baptist Church
The 150th anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Sedgwick (REL.5)
Booklet from the 150 year anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Sedgwick which was celebrated in 1955
Eggemoggin Baptist Church (REL.6)
Photos of Eggemoggin Baptist Church circa 1990
North Sedgwick Baptist Church (REL.7)
Photo of North Sedgwick Baptist Church which was organized in 1843 and constructed in 1845.