Bicentennial-Sedgwick in Photos Old and New (HOM.27)

Power Point presentation created by Catharine Marston in collaboration with the 1963 Bicentennial Committee. Includes early and more recent photos of Sedgwick homes and buildings.

Sedgwick in Pictures Old and New

The Sedgwick Bicentennial Committee presents: Sedgwick in Pictures Old and New

Pictures assembled and projected in 1963 by Fred and Catharine Marston

Pictures assembled and projected in 1963 by Fred and Catharine Marston. Views of Sedgwick have been loaned by the following: Mrs. Linwood Leighton, Mrs. Kenneth Allen, Miss Ruth Sargent, Mr. Frederick A. Sweet, Mrs. Walter Clement, Mr. John Lee, Mr. Horace Means, Mrs. Horace Wardwell, Jr., Mrs. Charles Foster, Mrs. Paul H. Neese, Mr. Albert Billings, Mr. Harold Keeman, Mr. Lyman Gray, Mr. Eugene Allen, Mrs. Frederic Cole, Mrs. Alice Anderson, Mrs. Ralph Harding, Mr. Jay Small, Mrs. Havlah Hawkins, Mrs. Robert Paine, and the Sargentville Library