Henry Sargent’s Sea Journals 1861-1864 (PEO.3)

Henry W. Sargent’s journals of trip on brig to Bermuda and trips to San Francisco by way of Cape Horn. 1861-1864. Transcription by Ruth F. Sargent.

Henry Wyer Sargent’s journals

Henry, the son of Wyer and Martha Eaton Sargent, was born Oct. 7, 1843. At the age of 18 he went to sea on the Brig Traveller which was captained by his uncle Llewellyn B. Sargent. They went to Bermuda with a load of coal and returned with 346 hogsheads, barrels that probably contained liquids such as rum or molasses. Between 1862 and 1864 he was on the Garibaldi and took a trip that included going around Cape Horn to San Francisco, and another to Liverpool, England.

Henry was not fond of life as a mariner and near the end of his last voyage around Cape Horn from San Francisco he writes, “I wish I was at home today. I don’t think I shall ever go to sea anymore.”  When Henry returned to Sargentville he became his father’s partner in the W. G. Sargent Store and later was very successful in the real estate business. Henry married Eudora “Dora” G. Philbrook on Oct. 7, 1868.

Henry Wyer Sargent (1843-1931)

Henry Wyer Sargent (1843-1931)

Dora G. Philbrook Sargent (1844-1925), Henry’s wife

Dora G. Philbrook Sargent (1844-1925), Henry’s wife