Lavina Sargent Letter to Judson Gray- Civil War (MIL.4)

Letter from Lavina Sargent to her Judson Gray during the Civil War.

This 1864 letter from Lavina Sargent to Judson Gray is followed by a transcript and information about Judson and his family.

Transcription of letter from Lavina T.P. Sargent to Judson A. Gray Aug. 30, 1864
Judson Gray’s wife Rachel Billings had a sister named Lavina. This letter may have been written by her
Transcribed by Pam Simmons Redwood City, CA.

Information related to Judson Gray
Provided by David Anderson
Sargentville, Maine

Information related to Judson Gray. Provided by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine

Information related to Judson Gray. Provided by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine

Information related to Judson Gray. Provided by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine

Information related to Judson Gray. Provided by David Anderson, Sargentville, Maine