The Journal of Captain Jasper Newton Sargent 1889-1890
Jasper Newton Sargent (1828-1918) was the tenth of the eleven children of Benjamin Choate Sargent and his wife Susanna Cole, a family line that went back to William and Abigail Clark Sargent who in 1649 were among the first settlers of Gloucester, Mass. By 1850 several of the family had made their homes in Sargentville, Maine.
As a young man Jasper went to sea and over the years was the captain on coastal schooners that hauled freight along the eastern seaboard and into the Caribbean. A few of the daily logs he kept during his travels and after he retired are in the care of Diana Marston Wood.

In 1858 Captain Jasper Sargent moved into the house on Reach Road built in the 1840s by his brother Wm Haskell Sargent. When Jasper retired from the sea he ran the house as an inn and livery stable and when he died his son Fred and Fred’s wife Nellie Clapp Sargent took over and carried on the business
This transcription is of the February 5, 1889- December 31, 1890 portion of Jasper Newton Sargent’s February 5 1889-September 15, 1892 Journal which was written after he had retired from the sea and was residing at home in Sargentville, Maine. The transcription includes Jasper’s spelling and punctuation-or lack of same.
1889 Journal No 2 Sargentville | |
Fby 5 | All this day quite pleasant and cold |
6 | Cloudy and moderate |
6 | Cold and quite windy |
7 | Dull and moderate |
8 | Easterly with rain and snow |
9 | Cold and cloudy |
9 | Cold and pleasant AM fair PM and moderate Fred went to Bucksport with a guest |
10 | Pleasant after 10 AM |
Fby 11 | All this day fine and moderate |
Fby 12 | Comes in tough snowstorm wind NE at 10 AM Fred started for Bucksport with Elmer Spofford wife and Mrs Holden of Deer Isle two horses |
Feby 13 | Comes in pleasant quite good sledding Fred came home at 3 PM Mrs Holden came back |
14 | Comes in quite cold and windy |
15 | Fine and quite windy very pleasant in the afternoon |
Feby 16 | Comes in very fine and warm |
Feby 17
Sunday |
All this day stormy rain |
18 | Comes in moderate and overcast At 1 PM commenced snowing finely |
19 | Pleasant all day with fresh breeze SW |
20 | All this day fine and quite cold Wind NW Mrs Irish here over night |
21 | All this day pleasant Wm Grant hauling dressing John Eaton place |
22 | Comes in cloudy and west SW W A Rich here over night. The cutter in the harbor Fred gone after hay |
23 | Comes in cold 3 below zero Strong breeze from the NW |
Fby 24 | This day comes in cold 15 below zero more moderate at night 10 below Mr HC Lockwood got Bar Harbor Record
Judson Gray died this evening |
25 | All this day cloudy and cold |
26 | Comes in fine and moderate continues all day |
27 | Cloudy AM clear PM
Judson Gray was buried this PM by Grand Army Post (Garfield post) Bluehill |
Fby 28 | Comes in fine pleasant weather and moderate
Amt Reciepts from supper at Hall last evening 14.02 |
Fby 29 | Fine weather all day and moderate |
March 1
1889 |
Summer weather all dy very warm |
2 | Fine pleasant weather all day |
3 | Fine and warm |
4 | Very moderate
Town meeting today John Eaton Mark Elwell Grover Eaton Selectmen, Raised $1000 cash for High Roads Support of Schools $1000 Support of Poor $700 Insane 150 RS Cole Supervisor of Schools and moderator Saml Herrick Treasurer |
5 | Comes in with wind NEast with rain and continues through the day
Had a telegram from WD Gower from Gardiner, Montana he is with Charlie to spend a few days |
6 | All this day cold rain storm fresh breeze from the East |
March 7 | This day commences with Easterly winds and drisely rain
Steamer Richmond came first trip |
8 | Comes in dull and moderate Very bad traveling |
9 | Comes in snowing with the wind from the West PM cleared up |
10 | All this day fine weather
Went to church |
11 | Comes in fine weather and cooler Sinclair has a chopping match |
12 | All this day fine pleasant weather quite warm no snow |
13 | Comes in fine weather warm for the season
Had a pig of Pascal Friend five weeks old |
March 14 | Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind from the NW fresh |
15 | |
15 | Comes in fine and quite warm PM the wind from the SE moderate |
16 | Comes in with the wind from the NE and cool
Capt WD Gower and Hon HW Sargent came on the boat Capt Gower from Tacoma WS HW from Augusta Capt Gower visited CN Sargent at Gardiner Montana |
17 | All this day rainy Did not go to church |
18 | Comes in misty and dull but moderate Fred gone to Bucksport with passenger |
March 20 | All this day cool and wind from the North East fresh breeze |
21 | Comes in fresh breeze from the north east and chilly |
22 | All this day quite pleasant
Have had quite a number of Drummers here this week |
23 | Comes in fine weather calm Ends moderate wind SW |
24 | Comes in pleasant went to church |
25 | First part fresh breeze from the north quite pleasant |
26 | Comes in cool and pleasant Herd from Lewie he was in St Thomas 13 March bound to___ Island and here by Easter |
March 27 | Comes in dull and cloudy wind south quite fresh |
28 | Comes in with rain and wind SE PM light breeze from the north misty |
29 | Comes in fine pleasant weather
Fred started for Bucksport at 7:30 with Mr Barnes the land buyer fresh |
30 | |
30 | All this day strong breeze from the SSW and overcast |
31 | AM cloudy with the wind from the SW PM fresh breeze at 3 snowing
Rev Mr Davis preached at the schoolhouse Organized the Sunday School JW Grindle Supt |
Apl 1 | Comes in snowing and moderate at 8AM 6 inches and still snowing |
2 | Comes in with the wind N East and has been snowing through the night quite a lot of snow on the ground |
3 | The first of this day quite pleasant latter part snowing |
4 | Comes in quite pleasant and moderate snow mostly gone |
5 | All this day quite pleasant |
6 | Comes in fine weather with the wind from the SEast |
Sunday |
All this day quite pleasant but chilly
Was sick didn’t go to church |
Apl 8 | Comes in chilly with fresh breeze from the NE Latter part moderate |
9 | Comes in with the wind from the NEast moderate breeze and chilly cloudy |
10 | Comes in cloudy middle part quite pleasant with the wind from the north
PM Connie Wescott came to our house to work for a while |
11 | Cloudy and wind from the North easterly |
12 | Comes in overcast PM quite pleasant |
13 | Comes in quite pleasant but cool |
14 | All this day pleasant
Myself and wife went to church |
15 | Comes in fine pleasant weather quite warm good traveling |
16 | Comes in fair and warm for the season |
17 | Comes in moderate and cloudy
Entertainment in the Hall proceeds $28.00 RB Sargent came on the boat today from Boston |
18 | Comes in cloudy with the wind NEast quite fresh |
19 | All this day quite pleasant |
20 | Pleasant all day went to church |
21 | Comes in pleasant with __ from the NW Str Governor in
Went to church |
22 | All this day strong breeze from the NW fine weather |
23 | Comes in fine PM wind SW
Fred gone to Bluehill |
Apl 24 | Comes in quite pleasant with wind SSW fresh Barns guest gone to Bluehill with the team |
25 | Comes in quite pleasant middle part strong breeze from the SW and cloudy This day is __Fast |
26 | All this day fresh breeze from the SE and overcast through the night rain |
27 | Comes in misty and thick weather Wind ESE The steamboats have not arrived 5PM Richmond left Portland |
28 | All this day cloudy weather |
29 | Comes in wet and dull Continues throughout the day. |
Apl 30 | Comes in fair with the wind from the NW fresh |
May 1 1889 | |
My 1 | Comes in fine pleasant weather with fresh breeze from the NW
PM had a telegram from Lewie from Boston arrived from PortaRica |
2 | Comes in fine pleasant weather |
3 | First part cloudy and rainy Latter part pleasant went to Castine |
4 | Comes in fine pleasant weather Ends the same |
5 | Pleasant all day
The funeral of Elmer Nevells at the church this pm |
My 6 | Comes in fine with light airs from the north
Thurston has team to Bucksport |
7 | Comes in moderate and foggy |
8 | All this day quite pleasant Some fog in the morning |
9 | Comes in fine and warm
Moderate wind from the south |
10 | Comes in very moderate at 4 PM LJ Sargent came in to the harbor in Schr Anna W. Barker bound to Calais to load for Cardemas
Shower at 5 PM |
11 | Comes in fine with wind from the north |
May 12 | Comes in fine and moderate
Schr Governer came in today |
13 | All this day moderate
Schr Anna W. Barker sailed for Calais |
14 | Comes in moderate light airs from the east (overcast) and light rains |
15 | All this day dull weather wind easterly |
16 | Comes in dull with easterly winds some rain Mist Ridland and other Travelers stayed overnight |
17 | Comes in dull wind SE and quite cool |
My 18 | Comes in fine and moderate Teachers substitute at Bluehill
Fred took the teacher up All Cousens was arrested for asult and batery and is having his trial at Sargents Hall Trial Justice Alonzo Friend of Brooklin The case went against Cousins fine $100 and cost _$ 31.04 |
19 | All this day warm and quite pleasant
Went to the cemetery with Mrs J O Sargent |
20 | Comes in cloudy and moderate middle light rains |
21 | A.M. foggy and misty |
My 22 | Comes in foggy middle part cleared up quite pleasant
Henry Freeman of North Sedgwick had his buildings burned last Sunday night 19th |
23 | Fine pleasant weather went to Bucksport with Bernia he being bound to Calais to take the Schr Anna W Barker bound to Cardenas Cuba |
24 | All this day fine weather Came home from Bucksport Bought a horse of C A Grey of Bucksport Centre and ___ her home |
25 | Comes in fine pleasant weather L J Sargent came on the Cimbria from Calais via Bangor |
26 | AM rainy PM overcast and cool |
My 27 | Comes in cloudy and cool had a heavy frost last night
Mary M Milliken left on the boat for Castine will stay at W.H. Sargents for a while |
28 | Comes in cool last night had a heavy rain this AM cool and cloudy PM wind SW and clear |
29 | Comes in with the wind from the NW and cool |
30 | Comes in with fresh breeze from the SE and cool quite a number gone to the cemetary this AM |
31 | Comes in thick with fogg and calm |
June 1 1889 | |
Comes in with the wind from the SE and dull winds south | |
June 2 | All this day thick with fogg and rain PM |
3 | Comes in calm and foggy
All day dull |
4 | Comes in with rain and continues the most of the day |
5 | Comes in thick dull weather very little wind from the SE to South |
6 | Fine pleasant weather all day |
7 | Comes in fine weather Latter part thick |
8 | Comes in thick weather-at 7 raining |
9 | Dull rainy weather all day went to church |
10 | Comes in dull with wind south |
June 11 | Comes in foggy and moderate
Latter part fine and warm |
12 | Comes in fine wind NW
They are having a bee on the foundation of the chapel today |
13 | Comes in fine pleasant weather Ends the same |
14 | Fine pleasant weather with the wind from the north PM wind south |
15 | Comes in moderate and dull Some fogg PM thick and rainy |
16 | Comes in very fine and warm
At 2 PM Baptism at the Shore Wm Wilson Sedgwick Arthur Sargent Allison Sargent Ha_–Dority Fred Sargent Arthur Harding males Mattie Sargent Effie Sargent Lois Billings Lillie Gray and Mrs Oscar__ are bapitised |
June 17 | Comes in rainy and moderate
The Bouy Boat put down two ___ in the Harbor this morning |
18 | All this day fine weather |
19 | Comes in cool and pleasant
Howe and Baines the Land Agts were here today |
20 | Comes in cloudy with wind from the SE PM wind NW and pleasant |
21 | Comes in fine and warm with wind from the NW
Went to Bluehill on a ride |
22 | The first of the day rainy and thick Latter part fine weather |
23 | Childrens day at the church quite a full attendance Fine weather all day |
June 24 | Comes in fine with the wind from the NW
Finished the foundation at the chapel |
25 | Comes in pleasant and moderate ends the same |
26 | The first of this day cloudy and the wind from the South a little rainy AM |
27 | Comes in overcast and the wind from the South fresh latter part calm |
28 | Comes in fine and warm no wind
BC Sargents little girl seems to be as well this morning but is a very sick baby we are in hopes she will be better soon |
June 29 | Comes in calm and warm 82 degrees continues all day Middle about the same
Str John Brooks Chs Deering came on the boat today |
30 | All this day warm and moderate did not go to church in the evening
Sabath School Concert at the schoolhouse |
July 1 | Comes in with the wind from the SAE and cooler PM foggy |
2 | Comes in dull weather and calm quite warm
Mildred about the same this morning PM the DR says Mildred is better foggy through the night |
3 | Comes in thick and rainy with the wind SE Latter part dull and rainy |
4 | Comes in thick and rainy with wind from the south Continues bad thick weather all day |
July 5 | This day comes in fine with the wind from the north
In the evening had a display of fireworks quite a large number present |
6 | This day comes in fine but cool with the wind from the north |
Sunday |
All this day very pleasant and warm
Str John Brooks came in one day late |
8 | Comes in cloudy and looking like rain 8 AM wind SE
Mr John Dority was buried last Saturday Mrs Alyson Obers ___daughter was buried to day died in Bangor |
9 | Fine all day and moderate
Went to Penobscot |
10 | Comes in overcast Ends quite pleasant wind easterly |
11 | The first of the day quite pleasant and moderate
Lewie and wife gone to Castine |
12 | All day pleasant and warm |
13 | Comes in pleasant and warm |
14 | All this day pleasant
PM Baptism at the shore Mrs Andrew Sinclair and daughters Amos Allens daughter Azor Dodge Mrs Hooper and Geo Turners daughters |
15 | Comes in cloudy and dull PM quite fine |
16 | All this day fine pleasant weather
Commenced haying at the lower field Parker Billings mowing |
July 17 | All this day fine and warm got in 4 horse loads and an ox load of hay |
18 | Comes in fine and warm Ends the same finished hauling the hay from the Point field
Capt LJ Sargent left for New York to join Schr Anna Barker |
19 | First part foggy and wind from the South Middle part warm and quite clear latter part thick and dull |
20 | Comes in thick with the wind from the SE at 5 AM raining fresh breeze from SE |
21 | All this day fine pleasant weather with wind from the NW fresh |
22 | Comes in fine with wind from the north PM wind from the SE |
July 23 | Comes in foggy and the wind from the SE moderate
Fred gone to Bluehill with a party from western view Evening rain |
24 | Comes in fine pleasant weather with the wind from the NW fresh
BC Sargent came on the John Brooks today from New Jersey has been on the Schr Anna W Barker to Canton LJ Sargent takes her again |
25 | All this day fine pleasant weather |
26 | Comes in fine weather Calm and warm
A.P. Currier and Fred going to Bluehill with the Rusticators from western view |
27 | All this day pleasant and warm |
28 | Fine weather all day |
29 | Comes in foggy and rainy wind SE |
July 30 | This day comes in thick with fogg with wind South Ends the same |
31 | Comes in thick foggy weather and moderate
The Str Castine goes to Camden to day with a party of excursinests |